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Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Trying New Things

Like Trish mentioned in her fab post, it's a brand new year and many of us are setting resolutions and goals for 2006. It's funny how year after year my resolutions look exactly the same. Well, not exactly the same, but pretty darn similar. Why is that? Am I not getting anywhere with my goals? Not taking them seriously enough? Or is it that year after year I find myself wanting the same things? Because when I look back over the year gone by, I actually did accomplish quite a few of my 2005 resolutions/goals. So why do the same things keep showing up on my list year after year after year???

My biggest goal for 2005 was to sell a book. (Check out Jane Millionaire!!! Woo hoo!) What's my goal for 2006? To sell a book. :) New year. Same goal. What were some of my other 2005 goals? To eat healthier. To exercise more. To lose weight. To spend more quality time with the people who matter. TO be a better friend. To try to do at least one unexpected good thing for someone every day of the year. You know what? All these goals are on my 2006 list, too. Does that make me boring? Man, I hope not.

This year, I've resolved to come up with something different for my list. Something new. Something exciting. Something that is a worthy resolution. Something that at the end of the year I can say, Oh yeah! That's a new one & Oh yeah! I did it. Something I'd never done before. Something that's an experience that enriches my life. The problem is figuring out what that goal is...any suggestions???? The things that come to mind are para-sailing, kayaking, mission work of some type, taking a class on something I've never tried before, kidnapping my husband one weekend totally out of the blue for him and flying us somewhere exotic (we've never been on a vacation alone & didn't have a honeymoon, so I'm liking this one), Sending my mom flowers once a month for the year, paying for the person behind me in a drive thru's meal once a month, you get the idea on where I'm going with this TRYING SOMETHING NEW with my resolutions.

So, am I the only one who tends to set similar goals each January? What are some of the goals that tend to show up every year on your list? I triple dog dare ya to do something different this year. To pick a resolution that you've never made before and then to make it happen. Something brand new. Something a bit off the wall and not your typical kind of resolution. And hey, it's a triple dog dare ya and as the mother of a 2nd grader I can tell ya that you just CAN'T ignore those. :)


At 11:58 PM, Blogger Trish Milburn said...

Great idea, Janice. My new thing this year is to work on a nonfiction book proposal. Still writing-related, but different from all the fiction stuff.

At 10:13 AM, Blogger Jody W. and Meankitty said...

My goal this year is to have a baby. The fact I'm currently 6 months pregnant will aid in this endeavor :)

My writerly goal is to keep a list of books I read (barring children's books or books about having children). I always envy people who, at the end of a year, can catalog how many books they read and in what genres. That seems like it would be interesting.

Jody W.

At 10:19 AM, Blogger bridget said...

Janice, paying for the person behind you in a drive-thru? What a great concept! Did you come up with it on your own?

I like the kayaking idea, too. Go to Scott Lindgren's website and get one of his DVD's. Now *that's* challenging yourself.

At 1:51 PM, Blogger Colleen Gleason said...

Janice, these are great ideas! I love them. Especially the paying for the person behind you in the drive-thru. I've heard of people doing that, and I've done it myself...exactly once. But to make a goal of doing it once a month...I love it.

One of my "different" resolutions for the year is to send at least two hand-written notes per week to someone...anyone. Handwritten letters are a lost art, and I know that I treasure them more than the emails I get daily.

I'm also liking your husband-kidnapping idea. Very much. SO much that I might have to steal it!


At 2:15 PM, Blogger Jennie Lucas said...

Janice, I love this post! And you're right ... every year, the same old resolutions. Except for last year, when I wasn't resolving to lose my usual ten pounds because, like Jody, I was six months pregnant. ;0). Jody ... I read a ton of books while breastfeeding, and wish I'd kept a list like you suggest. I miss those days! (Although on the plus side, I'm sleeping way more now! *grin*)

I love the husband-kidnapping idea. My dh and I are going to have our 10-year anniversary in a few months. Can hardly believe it! And as for the drive-thru idea ... here's hoping I'll be in the car right behind one of you generous people. I'd order the triple cheeseburger with shake and super-sized fries. YUM!!



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