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Saturday, February 11, 2006

Judging a book by its cover

by Charity Tahmaseb

The other day, Princess and I were sitting at the computer while I caught up on the Wet Noodle Posse blog. Princess is three. She’s been “reading” since she was eighteen months old (plopping down on the floor by the dog, opening a book, and babbling at him). The other day, she “wrote” her own book--two drawings taped together book-fashion. The story revolved around Mommy and Princess spending a long day at home (what she calls the weekends), where we were dressed “so cute.” (Obviously chick lit.)

So it was interesting to see what this future reader (and possibly writer) of America thought of the book covers on our sidebar. I don’t know if the marketing and art departments at the various publishers want to take note, but they might. She already coordinates her wardrobe better than I do.

First up: The Viscount's Wicked Ways by Anne Mallory. I think it’s because the blue in the heroine’s dress resembles that of Cinderella’s, but Princess was very taken with this cover. As for the Viscount? He can keep his ways (wicked and otherwise) to himself until she’s say, thirty five.

We scrolled down until we hit upon Stephanie Rowe’s Unbecoming Behavior. I know when Stephanie first posted her cover for the WNP to see, we all thought the heroine looked a bit like a grownup Angelica from the Rugrats. In any case, it received an emphatic “That one!” from Princess.

Norah Wilson’s Lauren's Eyes brought the exclamation of: “Oh, horsies!” Enough said, I think.

For Stephanie Feagan’s Show Her the Money, She’s on The Money, and Run for the Money, Princess said, “Oh, pink. I like pink.”

She was also quite taken with Fire Dance by Delle Jacobs. No comment, but every time we scrolled by, she’d point to it.

“Oh, that dress, Mommy. I want it,” she said when we reached How to Marry A Duke, the anthology that includes a story by Sandy Blair. Obviously we’ll need to start saving for her wedding now.

When we were done, she wanted to scroll back through again (and again, and again, she’s three, remember). Princess decided at that point she wanted all the books on the sidebar.

There you have it. Book covers as judged by a three-year-old princess and future reader (and possibly writer) of America. Now if I could just get her to coordinate my wardrobe.


At 9:12 AM, Blogger Diane Gaston said...

I'm distressed! not one of my covers made the special "P" list (for Princess)
Warner says they are "rethinking" my covers with the idea of making them sexier. I think I'll have them run the covers by Princess first....

At 9:26 PM, Blogger Jennie Lucas said...

Love this blog, Charity. Heartwarming and wry. Your daughter is adorable -- and smart!!

And Diane, can't wait to see what covers Warner has in mind for you!

At 9:49 AM, Blogger Theresa Ragan said...

Had to comment. You must do a monthly review from Princess's POV! Hilarious. And LOL, Diana, on not making the cut. :)



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