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Monday, September 01, 2008

Writers' Health

Welcome to September and the Wet Noodle Posse’s topic of Writer Health. What does staying healthy have to do with writing, you ask? A whole lot. Staying mentally and physically healthy is important because, as writers, we are our business.

During September, we’ll be exploring everything from seasonal affective disorder to desk ergonomics, from eating right to cruising and other relaxing nightmares, from stress to saying no to an overloaded calendar. Please join us and join in the conversation.

This month our coordinator is featuring a Readers' Choice raffle of either a $20 gift certificate from the on-line bookstore of their choice or a critique of a first chapter (not to exceed 25 pages in Courier New, 25 lines per page). The more you post, the better your chance of winning!

What is your main health challenge?



At 9:05 AM, Blogger Margay Leah Justice said...

My main health challenge is that I have Multiple Sclerosis, so sometimes, when I want to sit at the computer and write for 8 hours, it can take a toll on the body. Especially when I start drooping over the keyboard because the exhaustion (my major symptom)hits me like a freight train and tries to knock me off my tracks. But I keep on plugging away.

At 9:18 AM, Blogger Gillian Layne said...

Margay, bless you for sticking in there in the face of such a challenge!

I notice at my desk that when I type for very long--and all my day-job paperwork is on the internet and has to be typed, as well--my hands hurt and my wrist and fingers stiffen up.

Otherwise, my biggest problem is completely my own to solve--I should walk more. My girls and I are going out for a walk in just a bit, to try and get into a good habit.

At 12:16 PM, Blogger Norah Wilson said...

Margay, you are an inspiration! I feel like such a wimp given how easily I abandon the keyboard when I'm tired. Write on!

Gillian, I think Esri is going to blog about desk ergonomics. I'm sure she'll have some great tips. I'm such a dinosaur, I actually took typing in high school, but I swear what I learned has served me well. 27 years at the keyboard, and I had repetitive stress only once, when I agreed to do some intensive data entry on top of my regular job. I'll never do that again!

At 5:44 PM, Blogger Mo H said...

Wow, Margay, I'm amazed at your resilience.

At 5:47 PM, Blogger Mo H said...

I know what you mean about the walking. I did something to my foot and I haven't been able to walk. It's driving me crazy! It's the only thing that keeps me from spreading like Jabba the Hut (Did I spell that right?). I'll be back to my walking routine tomorrow.

At 5:57 PM, Blogger Diane Gaston said...

Add my admiration, Margay!

I neglect exercise. I aspire to get to Curves at least 3 times a week but sometimes I get out of the habit.

At 6:31 PM, Blogger Margay Leah Justice said...

Thanks, ladies! I've learned along the way that, with a condition like this, you either have it or it has you and like Montel Williams said, "I have MS - Ms doesn't have me."

My biggest challenge with it is learning how to pace myself because on the days when I wake up feeling so good I question whether or not I really I have it, I tend to overdo it - and then I'm lying flat on my back looking up at the ceiling and wondering why I feel like I stopped a Mack truck with my body. Another thing I need to learn to deal with better is stress, which can really be a killer to my health.

At 9:27 PM, Blogger Louisa Cornell said...

Margay, I will never complain about being tired when I sit down to write again. Good for you. You give MS HELL!

My biggest health problem is I NEED TO LOSE WEIGHT!!

My work schedule is so prohibitive to doing any sort of regular exercise. I want to join a local gym, but until I can really set aside enough time to go to the gym enough to make it worthwhile. Add that to my really stupid diet and I know I am not in good shape for someone whose father died of heart disease.

I used to have problems with stress, but I have gotten really good in the last few years at dropping the job at the workplace door and relaxing and releasing so that by the time I get home to my wonderful furry therapists I am in good shape to sit down and write.


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