Girls Just Wanna Have Fun!
MUSIC: The most mundane chore can be fun if you have the right attitude. Ever fold laundry to the Rolling Stones or the Beatles? I can’t run on the treadmill without my ipod to get my body and mind inspired. Music makes me happy. Nothing cheers me faster than a great song!
A LITTLE HEALTHY COMPETITION: Helping your kids learn can be fun too! I’ve been helping my daughter learn new words every week in preparation for the SATs. We have about 50 index cards at this point, adding more every week. Every chance I get, I grab the stack of cards (keep them in the kitchen for easy access) and we race through them to see who can spit out the answer the fastest.
WHAT BRINGS YOU JOY? If you love to play a musical instrument but never find the time, make it a priority to play at least thirty minutes a week or a day. When you set aside a doable amount of time, it’s easier to make it happen and you feel so good afterward! Everybody should spend at least thirty minutes a day doing something they love, something they're passionate about that brings them joy. I have been playing the piano almost every morning for at least fifteen minutes. I have also been reading every night before bed in 2009 and I’m so glad I’ve carved out that time for myself. Spending thirty minutes a day doing a few things I love to do has made all the difference. I feel as if I’ve given myself a wonderful gift.
What do you love to do but never seem to have time for? Sing? Dance? Play the guitar?
That's me in the picture when I was visiting New York City having fun. :)
Labels: be good to yourself, fun
My girls sing theme songs, especially the long list of Spongebob songs, while we drive. It never fails to make me laugh.
I like to paint--just dabble, I'm no artist--but never seem to make time to drag out everything. That would be a good thing to attempt again. It's very relaxing.
Ah, yes, music! You can get through any chore with music. I like it in the background when I'm writing, too. And my daily work commute. I never get stressed when traffic stalls because I'm having such a good time. Everyone knows music makes your cerebral cortex light up, but did you know just thinking about it, remembering it, hearing it in your head, also makes your brain light up as though you were actually hearing it. Which makes me people whistle because they're feeling cheerful, or are they feeling cheerful because they whistle? :-)
I hear you on the music. I have my own mix for when I'm writing. And I carve out reading time -- 30 minutes on a recumbent bike at the Y 4 times a week (might as well multi-task), and every night in bed.
Fun to me is cooking a new recipe, which these days is harder to find time for. But when I do, I have fun. Of course, it's even better to cook to some great music.
Gillian, we used to watch a lot of spongebob when the kids were small. Love that cartoon and the silly songs. Sounds like you have FUN with your girls! Oh, you should paint again, too. Go get a canvas for you and the girls and then post pictures for us!
Norah, thanks for the fun facts! Music lights up our cerbral cortex...I believe you!
And now you've got me thinking about which comes first, the whistling or the cheerfulness? Hmmm
Terry, good job on getting on the bike 4 times a week!!! I don't think I can read and workout at the same time! I must try that...
Mo, do you like to cook gourmet meals, or quick meals? Are you still spending a lot of time at the dance studio? Were you a ballet dancer like your daughter? Boy, I have a lot of questions for you! :)
I used to sing, but my voice has turned crackly, so I only sing to myself now. I played guitar for years, but finally had to choose some priorities, and gave it up for writing time.
After all the years of kids and grandkids, I've discovered a deep appreciation of silence. But not too much of it, thank you!
My hearing is too sensitive for loud music, something that bothers my neighbors not at all. They made lively use of the past three-day weekend. But I out-witted them this time by borrowing hubby's noise-canceling headphones and playing my own music- Hawaiian, and an old CD I just found of Classical Guitar- the very pieces I used to play.
Music is an important one for me, too. I only play piano very rarely and would like to do that more. But I also notice a difference in my day when I listen to music. Some days simply aren't conducive to it (too much of a distraction). Delle's right about a bit of silence now and then.
Like Mo H, I also like to try new recipes (cooking and beauty). Still want to try that cocoa spa treatment. :-)
I used to love cross-stitch but gave it up when tendinitis became a problem. It's been many years since the last flare up, so maybe it's time to try it again.
Hi Theresa,
Just like everyone else, I love to do things to music also. It just adds so much to the mix. Working out would be impossible without. I also listen to German songs, as I've been teaching myself that language. I feel exalted when I can understand what they are singing!!
What I don't find any time for anymore is ride. I used to be so involved. I have a nice barn and arena, but no horse. I'd like to find time to get back into that.
Great blog! You have me smiling...
I was working in my classroom today listening to the Mamma Mia soundtrack. I know, not my usual stuff, but fun to sing along with. I need to see if I can get a karaoke CD....
Hi, Theresa :-)! Love that picture.
I love music, too! I wish I could write with it in the background--because then I could enjoy it throughout the day--but I get caught up in the music's emotional cues instead of my characters'.
I think I'll listen to a favorite tune, right now. It's sure to put me in a good mood--not to mention firing up my cerebral cortex ;-).
I listen to music constantly, but then it has been a huge part of my life since I was very young. I wish I had more time to keep up my vocal skills. I used to practice every day, but now the only time I am in vocal shape is if I have a concert scheduled. I also love to quilt and do needlework, but I never seem to have time for it anymore.
Every spare minute I have is spent writing or researching to write. I know I will never get rich writing, but if I could just make enough with it to quit my job at Wal-Mart I know I would be able to make more time for those things I miss.
Delle, and everyone else with a singing voice, I envy you. I cannot hold a tune.
Judy, like you and Delle, I do cherish a few hours of silence every now and again. :)
Caroline, so nice to see you over here! I didn't realize you taught yourself German! Wow!
Mary, I saw Mamma Mia twice in the theatres and twice on DVD. I LOVE that music!
Terry, I can't write to music either because I get too caught up in the tune or the lyrics and cannot concentrate on the characters.
Louisa, do you still sing at concerts?! That's awesome.
I love to cook more complicated recipes but I tend to go for 30 minutes or less recipes these days because by the time I get my daughter home from ballet, we need something I can prepare quickly. No, I was never a dancer. I played basketball--center. But a couple years ago, I did take an adult ballet class. I loved the bar work. The actual dancing? Um, let's just say my daughter doesn't get her dancing ability from me. :)
That's right, Mo. I think you did tell me that you were a basketball player. Very cool. It's fun seeing our kids do things we could never do, isn't it!
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