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Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Thankful for Airplanes

Merrillee here who is thankful for a lot of things, especially my faith and family, but I'm also thankful for things like airplanes. This is a photo that I took a few years ago on a plane ride from Portland, Oregon to Spokane, Washington. As we left Portland, we ascended through the clouds and this is what I saw out my window. At that point, I was so thankful that I had my camera with me. I'm thankful for cameras, too. No one was there to tell me the name of the mountain that is protruding through the clouds, but it might be Mt. Hood or Mt. Shasta. The spectacular sight completely amazed me. This photo is only one of the reasons I'm thankful for airplanes.

My family is spread out all over the United States. When my little brother had his fiftieth birthday, I would have missed it if there were no airplanes.

I also would have missed this sunset. I took this photo from his back porch.

If not for airplanes, I would never have been to the Wimbledon Tennis Championships

or the Greek Isles

or traveled to Denver for my very first book signing

or get to see my daughters and their husbands. They are flying here for Thanksgiving.

And last but certainly not least, I wouldn't get to see my precious granddaughter on a regular basis.

What modern convenience are you thankful for?

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At 2:33 PM, Blogger Theresa Ragan said...

Great pictures and wonderful things to be thankful for, merrillee!

I am thankful for this computer and for internet so that I can see all these wonderful things other people like you are thankful for.

I am thankful for the great big washing machine I have...saving me lots of time.

I am thankful for the oven I'm going to use on cookie day in a few weeks. Yummy!

At 3:13 PM, Blogger Judy said...

Adding to the wonderful list so far, I'm also grateful for my cell phone! I've made so many friends online, and it's wonderful to be able to hear their voices and chat, even if we've never actually met.

At 5:36 PM, Blogger Merrillee said...

I'm also thankful for the computer. I don't believe I would have persisted in writing without one. I was always a terrible typist, so the ability to go back and correct with ease on a computer has been marvelous.

At 5:37 PM, Blogger Merrillee said...

What did we ever do without cell phones? They have made keeping in touch so easy.

At 5:36 AM, Blogger Mo H said...

What a cute grandbaby you have!

Like Theresa, I'm thankful for the computer and internet. I'm also fond of the dishwasher!


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